Pradeep Kumar Services

About Pradeep Kumar Services


PKS is the Complete, Data Entry Service, Provider, Outsourcing Data Entry Service, Provider, back office operation servi

PKS is the Complete, Data Entry Service, Provider, Outsourcing Data Entry Service, Provider, back office operation service Provider, PKS is a small Individual company who offer best quality of data entry service, outsourcing Services, back office operation services Provider, to online retail mart, IT companies, as well as many other industries, and manufacturers, PKS also offer many type of data entry services according to customer demand.

Contact Person: Pradeep Kumar
163, Fatehpur Beri, Chhattarpur Metro Station, Main Chhattarpur Raod,
New Delhi, Delhi 110074
Phone Number: +91-9555714269,
Mobile Number: +91-9555714269,

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