Hot off the Press: Ceresana’s New Study Analyzes the Market for Printing Inks

Printings inks serve to circulate information and are used in nearly all products surrounding us in our day-to-day lives. A quick glance suffices: a calendar on the wall, the newspaper on the table, a packet of biscuits, a catalog of goods or the wallpaper itself – all products have been printed in order to color and decorate them or to provide us with information regarding the content. The importance of printing inks greatly exceeds the revenues of more than US$20 billion that was generated in this segment in 2011. From publication to package printing Development in modern information technology results in changes that producers and traders of printing inks have to adapt to. The major challenge is posed by the increasing popularity of electronic media – newspapers and books are read on e-readers, information and correspondence are exchanged via the internet.

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Emerging Economies

Emerging economies are nations comprising of the world’s major potential markets which include global brands and innovation. They are showing quick economic growth due to industrialization, market growth, liberalization of investments and trade policy reforms. They have rich market opportunities and high demand for both consumer and industrial products and services. Emerging economies include, the combined economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRICs) appear likely to become the largest global economic group by the middle of this century. (Cheng, Gutierrez, Mahajan, Shachmurove, and Shahrokhi, 2007) Read More

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is the promoting of products and services using digital distribution channels which include television, internet, mobile phones, SMS and digital outdoor. It does not limit itself just to the Internet. This practice of promotion reaches the consumers in a personal, timely and cost-effective manner. Digital marketing can reach people more than Internet marketing.
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Call Center

Recently many organizations decided to move some part of their organization abroad. The most universal example is call centers. It plays a key role in the service industries. There has been an enormous increase in the number of large organizations entering India. The demand for call centers has become very popular among customers. For example, according to Forsyth, 2004 10 million consumers use telephone banking in Britain. As a result of such developments, over the past few years, call centers represent a new form of work and have been gaining academic attention. Read More