Benefits of Mint Leaves

what are the benefits of mint leaves?Mint originates from Latin word Mentha. Mints are aromatic, perennial and a cooling herb. It tastes good and refreshing. Their growth is vigorous and if left to its own, spreads quickly. Therefore, they should be sown in deep, bottomless containers sunk in the ground, or above ground in tubs and barrels. There are thirty different varieties of mint among which Peppermint and spearmint are the preferred ones. The essential oils of peppermint and spearmint are extracted from the leaves and flowering tops.  Mint is best used right after harvesting. Mint is enriched with many vitamins and minerals. It is rich in vitamin B and contains carotene, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, and Folic acid. Minerals present in Mint include calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, magnesium and manganese, Selenium and fluoride.

Medicinal Uses of Mint

  • It has many healing properties. The mint is an excellent remedy for digestive disorders, indigestion, stomach cramps, menstrual cramps, flatulence, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and colic in children. Peppermint is more effective as a medicinal herb. A mixture of tea made of fresh or dried leaves taken after dinner is refreshing and stomach soother.
  • A warm mint tea boosts the stamina.
  • Mint leaves help remove hiccups and earaches.
  • Menthol, the main component in peppermint oil is a pain reliever in case of migraines, headaches, and fever. It has a calming and cooling effect on the body. Peppermint oil rubbed directly into the skin can significantly reduce pain in cases of arthritis and chronic joint pain.
  • Inhaling peppermint oil helps relieve nasal congestion. Nursing mothers and children should not use peppermint oil.
  • Mint combined with Rosemary and vinegar controls dandruff. Place the mixture in a tightly sealed bottle, and let sit for at least a week out of direct sunlight. Apply it on scalp.

Culinary Uses of Mint

  • Mint leaves dried or fresh is an important culinary source. Mint is an essential ingredient in Touareg tea, a popular tea in Arab countries.
  • Menthol and essential oils extracted from mint are used as flavorings in chewing gums, desserts, chocolate.
  • Mint is also used to garnish and flavor alcoholic drinks like Mojito and Mint Julep and liqueur like grasshopper.
  • Spearmint because of its fragrance and taste is used in salads as a garnish.

General Uses of Mint

  • Mint leaves are environmentally-friendly insecticides as it kills pests like wasps, hornets, ants and cockroaches.
  • Mint plants planted near doorways help drive ants away.
  • It has mouth freshening properties and is therefore used in toothpaste and mouth washes.
  • Menthol is used in cosmetics and perfumes.
  • Spearmint is used in pot pourris as it has a pleasant and refreshing fragrance.

Important things to remember when using mint

  • Don’t use this herb if you’re pregnant or breast-feeding.
  • Don’t give peppermint or spearmint products to infants or small children.
  • Don’t swallow mint products if you have gastro esophageal reflux diseases.
  • Don’t put mentholated products on broken skin or use them on your skin under a heating pad.
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