Benefits of Cloves

cloveCloves are aromatic, dried flower buds of an evergreen flower. The buds of the clove are the richest source of anti-oxidant namely quercetin and anthocyanins. Cloves are an excellent source of manganese, magnesium, sodium, calcium, dietary fiber, iron, vitamin K and C and omega-3 fatty acids. Cloves also contain protein and carbohydrates. Cloves are aromatic, warm, strong and spicy. They are harvested in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and Madagascar. Cloves are used in Chinese medicine, Ayurveda medicine and dentistry.

  • Cloves have analgesic properties because of which it is used for treating various dental problems like toothaches. Clove oil relieves toothache and decreases infection in the teeth. Roasted cloves held in the mouth freshens the breath, strengthens the gums and is a popular remedy for sore throat.
  • Cloves are digestive is regarded as light and cooling on the stomach. They stimulate body enzymes and cure many digestive problems like dyspepsia, stomach ulcers, and flatulence. It is also beneficial in retrieving vomiting and colic.
  • Clove has antiseptic and germicidal benefits that help fight infections like cold, flu, bronchitis, sinusitis, arthritic pain and athlete’s foot. The paste of the clove applied on the forehead provides relief from cold. Inhaling of aromatic clove oil relieves respiratory problems.
  • Clove oil is used in aromatherapy to treat rheumatism and arthritis. Clove boosts the immune system by purifying the blood and fighting against various diseases.
  • Clove oil is used in many skin disorders like acne, pimples, etc. It is also used in severe burns, skin irritations and to reduce the sensitivity of skin.
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