Benefits of Carom seeds, Ajwain

AjwainCarom seeds, thymol seeds, bishop’s seeds and ajwain commonly known as ajwain.  Its scientific name is Trachyspermum Ammi.  Ajwain or ajwan belongs to the Apiaceae family of plants. It is the only plant that has the highest amount of thymol which contains medicinal ingredients and is very effective in helping the stomach release gastric juices and speed up digestion. It smells very much like thyme as it also contains thymol. It is aromatic and tends to dominate the flavor of the dish. It is well known for properties that make it one of the most used home remedies with many health remedies.  It is traditionally believed to be a digestive aid.

Ajwain is a traditional remedy to improve digestion during pregnancy and lactation. It wards off constipation due to pregnancy. It heals the body internally, maintains good blood circulation, cleanses and strengthens the uterus muscles after pregnancy. It also improves the production of milk in lactating mothers. Boil 1/2 tsp of the ajwain seeds and 1 tsp of fennel seeds, saunf, in a glass of water till it is reduced to half. Strain and drink the water. This is very good for lactating mothers and their babies.

Carom seeds, Ajwain, ajwan,  beats indigestion, colic pain, nausea and flatulence in newborn babies. The lactating mothers should drink ajwain water for the first 3 months which gets passed to the babies. This avoids colic pain and gassy things in babies. Later when the babies are little grown-up, powder ajwain seeds and soaked in milk, filter it properly and feed to babies. It is very effective in stomach pain.

The thymol present in ajwain relieves asthma and cough as it is an antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anesthetic spice. So to relieve congestion, crush ajwain seeds and mix it with jaggery and eat it. Alternately, tie ajwain in a cloth and heat the bundle over a warm pan. Apply the warm bundle over the chest.

Ajwain helps to ease pain due to rheumatism and arthritis. Crush the seeds of ajwain and apply the ajwain paste on the affected area. It’s anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties will give instant relief.

Ajwain soothes the irritated nerves. So it is a good remedy to reduce inflammation and stops hiccups. Take a spoon of ajwain with water and gradually hiccups will stop.

Ajwain contains niacin and thymol and other vitamins which keeps the heart-healthy. It improves blood circulation and nerve impulses. Drinking ajwain boiled in water on an empty stomach every day is very good for the heart.

Ajwain also relieves acidity. The thymol in ajwain helps release stomach acids which reduce the regurgitation of acids. Boil one teaspoon of ajwain with one teaspoon of jeera (cumin seeds) in one glass of water. It will turn green. Strain it and drink whenever there is acidity.

Add 1/4 spoon of salt to 1 spoon of ajwain and swallow it with water. It is palatable and cures dysentery, indigestion, and diarrhea. Chewing ajwain by itself or with little sugar is also effective.

Ajwain is a migraine pain reliever. Put a tablespoon of ajwain seeds in a hot pan and sniff its fumes. It relieves the migraine. Ajwain paste can also be applied on the forehead.

When ajwain seeds are crushed or heated, it releases essential oil in thymol content which relieves pain, indigestion or any other problem.

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