Herbal Remedies for Acne

Acne is a common skin disease, characterized by scaly red skin, blackheads and whiteheads, pinheads and pimples. Acne affects the skin where there is the densest population of sebaceous follicles which include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Acne can be all or a combination of blackheads, whiteheads and red bumpy rash with large raised infected areas. Acne starts with blackheads which are formed when oil and dead cells get trapped in a pore and gradually become pimples. Oily skin is the main cause of blackheads. Suffering from acne can be very embarrassing, isolating, and completely frustrating. Acne problem is deep-rooted inside your body. Read More

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Glowing Complexion with Herbs

The skin is the largest organ and the outer covering of our body. It guards the underlying muscles, bones and internal organs. Skin performs many functions- It protects our body against pathogens. It regulates our body temperature through sweating. Skin acts as an insulator so that essential nutrients are not washed away. It synthesizes vitamin D by means of Ultra Violet in the body. Sunlight, water, and air plays an important role in keeping the skin healthy. Read More

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Hair Loss Treatment with Herbs

How to stop hair fall naturallyHair loss or baldness is a condition when there is extreme hair loss and no new growth of hair on the scalp. A little hair falls every day is part of the growth cycle and is normal. But thinning and falling out of hair, the appearance of in large amounts of hair in combs or on a bed are some of the primary symptoms of hair loss. Hair loss could be hereditary or due to some illness, medication, unhealthy food, excessive dandruff, stress, alcohol consumption, hormonal changes, etc. Massaging the scalp can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Read More

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Hair Growth Treatment with Herbs

Hair growth naturallyHair care is the care and hygiene of hair and scalp on the human head. The scalp should be kept healthy to ensure healthy hair production. Hair is formed in the pockets of the skin and scalp called follicles. The basal tip of the hair in the scalp is known as papilla which contains the blood vessels to supply nourishment to the hair. Hair is made of strong strands of protein called keratin which is the barometer which indicates the health of the hair. Hair is composed of oxygen, iron, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur, carbon, and phosphorus. Read More

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