How to Quit Smoking with Herbal Remedies

Smoking is hazardous for health. It is the major cause of cardiovascular disease. It is accompanied by fatal effects and poses severe health hazards. It increases the heart rate and blood pressure, thus straining the heart and blood vessels. It contributes to heart attacks, strokes, and cancers.

The cigarette is made up of tobacco which is the mixture of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide. Nicotine is addictive which increases cholesterol levels in the body. Tar is a carcinogen that causes cancer and carbon monoxide which reduces oxygen in the body. Secondly, cigarette burns at 700°C at the tip and around 60°C in the core. This heat split tobacco to produce nearly 400 toxic substances.

Smoking is a hard habit to break as the body gets used to it very quickly and the person needs to have it just to feel normal. It is never too late to give up smoking. Be determined and focused. Herbal remedies are becoming increasingly popular for a smoker who wants to quit smoking as these calms jangled nerves, improves circulation and acts as a relaxant.

  • Extract juice from fresh radish and mix it with 2 tbsp of honey and drink it whenever there is urging to smoke. This changes the preference of the taste buds. This remedy is a traditional Chinese remedy and has proved beneficial.
  • Consume lots of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A, C, and E as smoking breaks down these vitamins. Vitamin A repairs the mucous membranes which are damaged by smoking and Vitamin E an antioxidant repair cell damage caused by smoke.
  • Herbal teas are effective as smoking quitting aid. Herbal tea relieves from anxiety, nausea, headaches, Insomnia which is the common withdrawal symptom. Drink chamomile tea. It is caffeine-free and is a soothing, gentle relaxant. Add one teaspoon of fresh chamomile flowers to one cup of boiling water.
  • Drink ginger tea. Boil two cups of water with ginger root. Add cream, sugar, honey or cinnamon for taste. Ginger produces perspiration which helps to shed toxins generated from smoking.
  • Chewing of sugarcane stubs reduces the urge for smoking.
  • Drink carrot juice mixed with celery at least 2-3 times a day. This will provide vitamin A to the body and reduce the urge.
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